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Project #2 Form Generator | STAR TREE Generator

Designed by Haoshu Yang.

Design Process

In this design, we are acting as a conductor to let the computer generate a parameterized random pattern. A name of a book, The Beauty of Geometry, struck me and I drew a flash inspiration of the elegant polygons and circles that form the pattern of stars.

I pictured colorful stars with changing sizes and points, some were thin and some were thick, suddenly clustering and dancing together. Then a trunk grew and as if hanging all the stars on the tree.

I made a quick drawing, determined the elliptical boundary of the STAR TREE, and began visualize it by codes.

* A star is generated by random parameters of the radiuses of the outer circle and inner circle as well as the number of points. The color of it is determined by the random RGB values.

* Stars coordinates are created randomly and only the ones that locate inside the ellipse are captured. Each star is linked by a branch and become a part of the star net.

* The color of the background along with trunk and branches is determined by the real-time mouse position.

* When mouse is pressed, the star net starts changing and dancing.

* When mouse is released, a random trunk grows.

* The elegant and unique STAR TREE is present in front of you with a short sentence of congrats. If the trunk started at the left side of the bottom edge, the sentence should be at the right corner and vice versa.

* You could always regenerate a new STAR TREE, but every time it’s different. And the number of attempts is shown at the up-left corner.


In computer graphics, images and patterns are all parameterized and could be generated from mathematics.

The forms of stars are protean due to the infinite values of outer and inner circle radiuses even in a limited range. The larger the difference of the radiuses is, the thinner the star point is. And with the increasing number of points, the star are more like a circle. Therefore, the point number is limited in a range of 3 to 8 for better illustration on this 400px*400px canvas.

The pattern of the trunk is also unpredictable, with 10px-vertical-length lines in increasing thickness joint together. Every line ends at the random position shifting 10px left or right horizontally. The extreme situation comes when every line is towards the same direction but the probability is less than 1/1000000000000000000000000000. Hence, almost all the time, we could see an arbitrary winding trunk.


function setup() {

createCanvas(400, 400);


// draw the stars in the start page

for(let sr=50; sr<=200; sr+=50) {




fill(251, 226, 95, 100);

star(410, 350, sr, sr/2, 5);



// guiding text in the start page


text("Click and\nmove your mouse\nto generate\nyour own\nSTAR TREE!", 20, 60);




let R, G, B;

let trytimes=0;


function draw() {

if(mouseIsPressed) {

// get the random parameters for the star

let R1 = int(random(10,30)), R2 = int(random(5,10)), Np=int(random(3,8));

// determine the background color from the mouse position

R = map(mouseX, 0, 400, 50, 200, true);

G = 255 + map(mouseY, 0, 400, -50, -200, true);

B = map(mouseX*mouseY, 0, 1600, 20, 220, true);

background(R ,G, B);

let times = 350;

let lastx = 200, lasty = 240; // start point

while(times--) {

x = random(0,400); y=random(0,400);

if(inEllipse(x,y)) {


// draw a star with random color


fill(random(150,255), random(150,255), random(150,255), random(150,255));

star(x, y, R1, R2, Np);

// connect this star with last star



stroke(R+30, G+30, B+30);

line(lastx, lasty, x, y);

lastx = x;

lasty = y;






function keyPressed() {




function mousePressed() {





function mouseReleased() {

// draw the random trunk



let thisx=200, thisy=240;

let nextx, nexty;

for(let times=0; times<=160; times+=8) {

nextx = thisx + int(random(-10, 10));

nexty = thisy + 8;

stroke(R+30, G+30, B+30);


line(thisx, thisy, nextx, nexty);

thisx = nextx;

thisy = nexty;



// show attempts and congrats



fill(255, 150);

textFont('Courier New');

if(trytimes == 1) text(str(trytimes)+' attempt', 10, 10);

else text(str(trytimes)+' attempts', 10, 10);



textFont('Courier New');



if(thisx<=200) text("This is your unique\n STAR TREE!", 280, 370);

else text("This is your unique\nSTAR TREE!", 20, 370);




// limit the stars in a ellipse at (200,160) with r1=200 r2=120

function inEllipse(x,y) {

let ck = (x-200)*(x-200)/40000 + (y-160)*(y-160)/14400;

if(ck>1) return false;

else return true;




// according to the star function from p5.js reference

function star(x, y, radius1, radius2, npoints) {

let angle = TWO_PI / npoints;

let halfAngle = angle / 2.0;


for (let a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {

let sx = x + cos(a) * radius2;

let sy = y + sin(a) * radius2;

vertex(sx, sy);

sx = x + cos(a + halfAngle) * radius1;

sy = y + sin(a + halfAngle) * radius1;

vertex(sx, sy);


